liquid detergents and soaps
OxiPran Ácido
This is an acid detergent, used in the CIP process in food and drinks industries;
OxiPran Alcalino
This is an alkaline detergent used in the CIP process in food and drinks industries;
OxiPran Clorado
This is a chlorinated detergent used in the CIP process in food and drinks industries;
OxiPran DX 1010
This is a neutral detergent, used for cleaning in several industrial segments;
OxiPran DX 4000
This is a hyper-concentrated detergent, to be diluted and used in the food and drinks industry;
OxiPran DX 1005
This is a liquid soap with mild fragrance and bactericidal effect, used for aseptic hand-washing;
OxiPran DX 1005 N
This is a liquid unperfumed bactericidal soap, used in the food industry for aseptic hand-washing;