Matérias Primas para a Vida

Fire Galvanizing Process


The purpose of pickling is to remove all the rust, oxidation film, laminate scale and other remains of metal oxidation in order to obtain a clean metal surface, free from impurities and oxides.

The parts should be immersed in a hydrochloric or sulfuric acid solution, where inhibitors can be added to the acid, bringing about a significant reduction in the emission of corrosive gases and preventing corrosion of the base metal.
Although the purpose of the acid corrosion of the metal surface is to remove rust and oxidation, this should be controlled with care in order to avoid:

- exaggerated consumption of acid;
- excessive corrosion(wear) of the parts;
- danger caused by liberation of hydrogen.
The inhibitors are used with the objective of preventing corrosion of the base metal, without, however, modifying the pickling speed, as well as   avoiding evaporation, limiting losses and the exhalation of very strong corrosive gases.

Pickling types and inhibitors: Decap A; Decap Active; Decap DEX, Inhibitor and Inhibidor C;